Tag Archives: celebrity rehab

Rachel Uchitel visits Ground Zero

Rachel Uchitel Exploits 9/11 & Ground Zero for Fame

Rachel Uchitel visits Ground Zero
Rachel Uchitel visits Ground Zero

Rachel Uchitel’s visit to Ground Zero is too suspicious for me for two reasons:

Was it before or after she found out Tiger Woods had moved to our area that she decided it would be a good idea to exploit Ground Zero for her own fame and fortune?

…and right before the 9th anniversary of 9/11? Why not show support and go with the family of your almost in-laws on the day of?

In an effort to defend her actions, Rachel Uchitel, the now infamous Tiger Woods mistress and former paramour who broke up probably the cutest family I’ve ever seen released a statement:

“Who the f— are people to be talking about me?” Uchitel told the New York Post. “Until they go through what I went through, living with a guy and being engaged to him and having that person dead an hour after waking up next to him. “If people think I’m milking something for the benefit of getting on TV or getting more well-known, I’m already well-known.”

Except that dear Rachel, your 15 minutes were up long ago.

Is this an attempt at public relations triage for us to forget your What is with your timing? Visiting the site right before 9/11? Your almost father-in-law had said during the Tiger Woods debacle that he had not even heard from you since your fiance was buried.

Actions speak louder than words, and your actions sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Exposing yourself to a national audience in your healing process is tantamount to placing shards of glass on an open wound.

Dr. Drew is also to blame.

According to reports, this idea came to them during a pre-taping interview with the Oprah Winfrey show. Thank goodness Harpo Productions had the right mind frame to leave that segment on the cutting room floor.

Just doesn’t feel right. The whole thing. Maybe my sensitivities are up because it is September.