Tag Archives: mandatory evacuation

What Will Happen to Battery Park CIty in a Hurricane?

What Happens to Battery Park City in a Hurricane?

What Will Happen to Battery Park CIty in a Hurricane?
What Will Happen to Battery Park CIty in a Hurricane?

The Mayor has called for the first time ever, a MANDATORY evacuation for Battery Park City, which is one of the low lying areas in New York City. What does this mean for us? Why are these warnings so important?

• Battery Park City is not more than 5 feet above sea level. The full moon, high tide and hurricane can bring sea/storm surge up to 8 feet.

• Flooding is expected in our area and should the hurricane and water cause damage or major flooding — Emergency Services Vehicles would have trouble reaching our neighborhood.

• Trees and park area can be uprooted by the hurricane’s impact.

• World Trade Center construction also causes a challenge, as workers are securing cranes, equipment and construction elements that might be lifted by elevated winds.

• MTA plans a citywide shutdown of services by 12pm tomorrow Saturday, August 27th – paralyzing our ability to leave the neighborhood.

• Most stores and businesses in our area are also part of the mandatory evacuation order.

• According to the Mayor, taping windows is not necessary and futile to protect windows. Best safety protocol is mandatory evacuation of our neighborhood.

• All area events, including Governor’s Island and Major Sporting Events have been cancelled — nothing to stay for this weekend – bolsters reason to evacuate sooner than later.

• Those who are not evacuated by 5pm, Saturday August 27th will be subject to city fines.




The Mayor has called a mandatory evacuation of Battery Park City:

1. Evacuation of the neighborhood is mandatory by Saturday, August 27th by 5PM.

2. MTA Public Transportation will be suspended by Saturday, August 27th by Noon.

According to NYC.Gov

Evacuation Centers
In the event of an evacuation order, the City strongly recommends evacuees stay with friends or family outside evacuation zone boundaries. However, for those who have no alternative shelter, the City has identified hurricane shelters throughout the five boroughs.

To ensure the most efficient use of resources and to make necessary parking available, the City will ask all evacuees seeking public shelter to report to an evacuation center. These centers are located in all boroughs, are easily reached via public transportation. Some centers provide parking facilities.

Each evacuation center is associated with several hurricane shelters in what is known as its “solar system.” There are currently 65 such systems in the City, each of which can accommodate an average of 10,000 people.

Evacuation centers help ensure the number of people in each is roughly the same, eliminating potential overcrowding or underuse of particular facilities. At the evacuation center, evacuees will be assigned to a particular evacuation shelter and be transported by bus or van.

To find out the location of your nearest evacuation center, use OEM’s Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder to locate your evacuation zone, and the system will direct you to the proper facility. During an emergency, you can also obtain this information by calling 311.

Hurricane Shelters

Hurricane shelters provide basic needs for those with no other place to go. Shelters are selected based upon the safety of their location (outside of Category 4 hurricane inundation areas) and proximity to evacuation centers.

Certainly, service animals that assist people with disabilities are allowed in hurricane shelters. Ideally, you should arrange to shelter other pets at a kennel or with friends or relatives outside the evacuation area. Legal pets with proper identification will be admitted into shelters with their owners. Owners should bring cleaning and food supplies with them, as well as containers and leashes.
Learn more about emergency preparedness for pets

Officials will notify evacuees when and if it is safe to return to their homes. Since hurricanes are highly destructive, residents may not be able to return home for weeks.